We need to stop this Yulin dog slaughter festival

It’s this time of year again, where the Chinese Guangxi Province host the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival. Many of these animals are stolen from residents and sold at this festival and market. They skin the animals alive, beat them to death, then sell their “meat” to thousands of Chinese attendees. Even though 64% of Chinese (according to CCTV, China’s national broadcaster) are AGAINST eating dogs and think this eating dogs should be banned in China.

Please sign the petitions at Change.org here. and at ThePetitionsite.com here.

Many people argue, “we eat pics, cows, etc, why do we make such a big deal about eating dogs?”, my reply to those people is:

In a perfect world, (in my opinion) also pigs/cows/etc would not be harvested and slaughtered for human consumption… people do not NEED animal flesh to live. You eat it because that’s what you were raised to eat, and so were your parents and before them. It’s “normal” but that doesn’t necessarily it’s right, nor does it mean that you should have the right to eat anything in the world that is non human. Animals are born and raised by their mothers/fathers, with the same organs as humans, we are more intelligent than the way we act.

The taste of a juicy burger that we ate since young, compared to the knowledge of the fact all animals have nervous systems, brains, feelings, emotions…. most of us choose to ignore that for the selfish fact we can continue eating those tasty burgers rather than boring vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. imo.

Thank you to the Duo Duo Project for being STRONG supporters on the ground, trying their best to protect the dogs and all animals being tortured and slaughtered at the Dog Meat festival. Please show support in donations, petitons, etc by visiting their website here.

I welcome your comments and opinions too. If you do not agree with me, please don’t send hate mail, but instead enlighten me! I am inviting for discussion on this topic.

Thank you

Email politicians urge them to stop dog meat trade

Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”


This website about the Korean dog meat trade helps you find politicians and even has sample letters you can use to send to them. Here.

WARNING, this video is VERY graphic 🙁 But remember people, this is happening in our world RIGHT NOW! Lets make changes and do something to stop this violence and indecency. Amazing how low some people will go. 🙁


We can’t ignore the Yulin Dog meat festival

If we ignore, does that mean it does not happen? This barbaric Yulin Dog/cat Meat Festival is coming VERY soon in Yulin province of China.

Yulin dog meat festival

Remember, they are not just eaten, they are tortured, skinned and boiled alive! We have to stop this disgusting cruel act happening in our world.

Please help asap. Sign Petition here. Or donate here.

Yulin Dog Meat Festival in GuangXi China

It is 2015 and we still have barbaric acts, and even FESTIVALS happening in this world. Such as the Yulin dog & cat meat festival in Yulin. According to many top news reports these dogs are not only eaten, but tortured, electrocuted and skinned alive!

Sign petition here (Change.org) — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Here is a quote from Wiki page, gathered from various news reports from The Guardian, CNN, Pandaguide and NewRepublic: “Yulin Summer Solstice Dog Meat Festival where in 2013 over 10,000 dogs were consumed. Many of the dogs are electrocuted, burned and skinned while alive and conscious.

Have you had enough yet? Please BEWARE when seeing these Youtube videos, they are VERY VERY disturbing 🙁 (But, we cannot ignore these things forever! Lets fight back!)


One of the many things we can do is sign the petition at Change.org petitioning the Yulin Governor Chu Wen to stop this festival in GuangXi China.

Sign petition here (Change.org) — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Sign petition here (Change.org) — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Thank you to certain projects and organizations like the Duo Duo Project, whos main purpose is to end animal cruelty, especially events like the dog meat festivals.

See the DuoDuoProject info & site: http://www.duoduoproject.org

Animal Ideology just donated now (june 15) a small amount of $. Remember everyone, each penny counts, towards the full battle against this horrendous, painful and torturous animal holocaust.

Please donate to Humane Society

Sign petition here (Change.org) — Donate funds here (Humane Society)