IMGUR supports animal rights

IMGUR supports animal rights
IMGUR supports animal rights

I just recently seen that every page of IMGUR now has a banner up top seeking donations to helpt he San Francisco SPCA, (visit SFSPCA website) great job IMGUR and SPCA! See their donation page here or visit

I really like this timeline showing how the SF SPCA was founded, and some major things that took place all on this image timline:



Kristen Lindsey the murderer of sweet cat named Tiger

Kristen Lindsey holding Tiger, the neighbors cat she murdered with bow & arrow
Kristen Lindsey holding Tiger, the neighbors cat she murdered with bow & arrow

Reposted from here:

April of this year, a Texas licensed veterinarian posted a horrific photo on Facebook of herself, holding a cat dangling from an arrow, an orange and white tabby cat she shot through the head with a bow and arrow with the caption, “My first bow kill lol. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it’s head. Vet of the year award…gladly accepted”.

The photo went viral and days later Lindsey was fired from her job at the Washington Animal Clinic in Brenham.

The “feral tomcat” was a beloved, family pet named “Tiger”.

The investigation into this animal cruelty case has been ongoing for over 2 months, and the National outcry for justice is deafening.

There has been no justice for Tiger, on June 24, 2015 the
Austin County District Attorney, Travis Koehn, finally presented the case to the Grand Jury, the Grand Jury’s decision was “No Bill” which means no charges will be filed for Animal Cruelty against Kristen Lindsey. The Grand Jury’s decision was based on insufficient evidence.

We may have lost the fight on the 24th but the battle is not over. The Press Release the DA submitted to the public raises many questions and we are here to ask for answers to those questions. Please read the press release.

There are over 375,000+ signatures on petitions pressuring the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners to revoke Lindsey’s medical license.

Please join us in our fight for #JusticeForTiger, moving forward.

I found the Austin County district attorneys website and sent both assistant district attorneys emails urging to make things right, and please find a way to prosecute Kristen the lowlife. Their website is here (you can try emailing them too). If you hover over assistant district attorneys Brandy Robinson and Vincent J. Oberholtzer name you can see their email addresses.

Watch the brave protesters in this KBTX news video standing up for Tiger “the feral” cat, and animal rights in general. Watch the KBTX video here.

Kristen, a comment from my own mouth, “you are a huge fcking coward!”


Monkey? Big beautiful fat cats?

We love animals, cats, dogs, elephants, chickens, all! Sometimes there are terrible things to see on this website and other animal rights and activist websites. So sometimes we need to post things on a brighter note. Here are my babies, Blacky & Panda, in their new monkey outfit. They hated it, it’s too tight on their big fat bodies (LOL). So we got pics, but probably will never see them wearing this again unfortunately (unless they manage to lose some weight).

Monkey Blacky
Monkey Blacky
Monkey Panda
Monkey Panda

My sweethearts.

Black Cat Appreciation Day 2015

Happy “Black Cat Appreciation Day” for 2015! Here is my very own “Blacky” (aka Blacky-mama’s). She is a sweetheart and we will be giving her extra special love for today.

I hope you and all your cats, dogs, snakes, pigs, or any family pet you have will have special day, and special days always! They are all loving loyal creatures, especially when you’re willing to give your heart to them. 🙂

We can’t ignore the Yulin Dog meat festival

If we ignore, does that mean it does not happen? This barbaric Yulin Dog/cat Meat Festival is coming VERY soon in Yulin province of China.

Yulin dog meat festival

Remember, they are not just eaten, they are tortured, skinned and boiled alive! We have to stop this disgusting cruel act happening in our world.

Please help asap. Sign Petition here. Or donate here.

Yulin Dog Meat Festival in GuangXi China

It is 2015 and we still have barbaric acts, and even FESTIVALS happening in this world. Such as the Yulin dog & cat meat festival in Yulin. According to many top news reports these dogs are not only eaten, but tortured, electrocuted and skinned alive!

Sign petition here ( — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Here is a quote from Wiki page, gathered from various news reports from The Guardian, CNN, Pandaguide and NewRepublic: “Yulin Summer Solstice Dog Meat Festival where in 2013 over 10,000 dogs were consumed. Many of the dogs are electrocuted, burned and skinned while alive and conscious.

Have you had enough yet? Please BEWARE when seeing these Youtube videos, they are VERY VERY disturbing 🙁 (But, we cannot ignore these things forever! Lets fight back!)

One of the many things we can do is sign the petition at petitioning the Yulin Governor Chu Wen to stop this festival in GuangXi China.

Sign petition here ( — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Sign petition here ( — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Thank you to certain projects and organizations like the Duo Duo Project, whos main purpose is to end animal cruelty, especially events like the dog meat festivals.

See the DuoDuoProject info & site:

Animal Ideology just donated now (june 15) a small amount of $. Remember everyone, each penny counts, towards the full battle against this horrendous, painful and torturous animal holocaust.

Please donate to Humane Society

Sign petition here ( — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Jahmal Anthony Swaby scumbag of the day

Scuzzball animal abuser

This scuzzball lowlife, 21 years of age, Jahmal Anthony Swaby from Athens, Alabama was just sentenced to 8 years in prison for cruelty to animals. He intentionally put a cat inside a dogs cage to watch it get killed. His friend, Trevaughn Miquan Thomas, also enjoyed this barbaric act of cruelty with him.

What a couple of sick disgusting minds at work. These 2 lowlifes should be locked up forever.

See full article:

Cruel dog meat trade in Southeast Asia needs your help!

Thailand is infamous for the cruel dog exporting to Vietnam for “dog meat trade”. Not only are these domesticated animals eaten, they are tortured and put into VERY harsh living conditions, like being smashed together in barbed wire fenced crates stacked on top of each other, with no water, and not food 🙁

Please help take a stand against this cruel business, help by donating to Soi Dog Foundation, it was created to help animals, especially dogs caught into the illegal and torturous dog meat trade.

See their website here:

Dog meat trade Asia
We cannot afford to ignore this cruelty!

Also, please sign and share the petition to “Stop The Dog Meat Smuggling Trade!” Sign the petition here PLEASE.  We need to convince Thailand’s prime minister and head of hte NCPO (National Council for Peace & Order) General Prayuth Chan-ocha to step up and realize this is hurting not only the animals caught in this mess, but also the minds ands happiness of people that suffer seeing and knowing these terrible things are happening.